How to deal with Depression?

Hello guys I don’t want to introduce myself, because I want you to consider me your close one who is trying to help you, guide you to lead beautiful life and understand the concept “Depression”. I know you will tell me who am I to guide U? I am simple human to whom you can relate because somewhere I have gone through this phase and recently there were a lot of news of people committing suicide so I wanted to help people, even if one percent could relate to me and my motivating words could help someone; I would find myself worthy.

So I don’t want to go in detail concept, don’t want to use medical term, and data and figures.  But I want you to know what exactly it is.
If I say in simple term; “Depression” is where person remain stressed or sad for longer period of time and now let me tell you it’s normal to be stressed/sad for day for week because “We are Human” but if we are stressed for more than month then it serious issue.

Depression can happen to anyone, for any given reason like genetics, hormonal changes, recent serious events, relationship problems, job issues, or even if you’re financially good, even if you are healthy – trust me there are cases where people went under depression. But u know what is worst of all? It is the “Lack of Motivation” in life. Lack of motivation is major thing in life which can harm people. And that’s why we say we need to motivate our self constantly each and every day and only we can do it; No one else can help us in that.

We human can’t control what’s goanna happen next; but we can control our emotions towards everything; that’s where “Motivation” comes in to picture. There would be times when things go wrong and sometime we compare our self with others and feel negative. Self-criticism is depression’s BFF. That’s bad; it’s not Ok to harass the person in you; like you won’t harass your loved one every day; so why would you do it with yourself?

You need to motivate yourself; you need to cheer up. It’s ok if you are sad do these little things to motivate yourself.

Try to use encouraging words according to your situations like “I can do it”, 
“Everything is fine”, “I will overcome this situations”, I will achieve my goals even if it takes longer time”, “I won’t give up”

Lie down, Sleep, and Take rest; be Lazy for a day.

Eat what you like.

Go out, Go for walk, and Take long drive.

Sit in a Peaceful place near sea; church; temples.

Stay away from social networking sites for a day.

Spend some time with elderly person or children; you can visit nearest NGO and help them because seeing them u will understand life much better.

So try and do these little things to keep motivating yourself and others. Because god has given this beautiful life not to ruin it but to help someone; to do good deeds, to achieve goals so don’t spoil it.

Whenever you feel low remember this beautify line

"A pearl is a beautiful thing that is produced by an injured life. It is the tear (that results) from the injury of the oyster. The treasure of our being in this world is also produced by an injured life. If we had not been wounded, if we had not been injured, then we will not produce the pearl." — Stephan Hoeller


  1. Very informative, keep posting such good articles, it really helps to know about things.

  2. Reading this article was an experience. I enjoyed all the information you provided and appreciated the work you did in getting it written You really did a lot of research.


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