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What is Life purpose?

What’s Life purpose? Life purpose means finding work that’s meaningful to you but it also means identifying work that impacts the world in some way. It is being able to translate your passion into something that serves others. Purpose in life is never related to money Why it is necessary to find purpose in Life? Because purpose make your life complete and worth living Questions to ask yourself to find out your Life purpose? What do I really want in this moment? When was the last time I felt truly joyful? What is beautiful to me and do I have some of that in my life right now? Visualize how you would like to be remembered when you are gone?   How can I make a difference in someone’s life? If you get answers to the above questions then start doing the things which will make you feel content and will serve others. You can do it once in week as per your choice and help someone in any way you can. Remember God has not send you in this world to just earn m...

Will You Sacrifice Your Love Or Choose Your Happiness?

I blame myself today that I fell in love with a guy so quickly not even inquiring about him, his background, and his money. But Do we love someone after knowing their status and background? or do we fell in love with how they have made us feel which no one ever has done?. Choosing my own happiness will be considered as selfish because I am only thinking about myself and the guy who I fell in love with and know him from one month and not about my parents who had few dreams for me and want their child to get married to the guy who earns well so that their daughter does not have to face any issue. They are right in their own way. But do I choose just to keep them happy And years later when I sit back and think wish I would have given him chance to prove himself.  I don’t know whether it would have worked out or not. But I guess everyone needs time and chance to grow. When you have waited long for “Your Kind of Love” and when you are finally getting it; leaving it just be...

How to achieve your goals?

Keep a Record/ Journal: Write down your goals and see it every day. This will help you to track; how near or far you are from your goals. Asking Question: What have I done for myself today ? Have I taken little action in achieving my goals? Such questions will help to make you do things that are necessary in achieving your goals. Tell Someone About Your Goals: You should tell about your goals to your very close one because they will remind you about your goals constantly and it helps in motivating yourself to prove it to them. Allocate Time: You should take out time for your goals from your busy schedule each and every day. Review Regularly: You should keep check on yourself; whether you are on track taking necessary actions. Be Prepare to Fail and Keep Going:   Each of us are not perfect but we can get better by doing things consistently. Strive for progress, not perfection. Think about your Goal every day: By thinking every day; you are remind...

Find Your Passion in Life!!!!

What is Passion? Passion   is simply doing what you love. Passion is when you can do that “one thing” all your life without complaining. Passion is when you lose track of time making you feel alive Why it is important to find Passion in life? Passion is one thing which will help you to keep going.  It is always recommend to find work which you love and make money of it for your living.  It is always the best to “DO What You Love Than Love What You Do” How to find Passion? Grab a diary or book and ”Complete No” to a piece of paper because you definitely don’t want to lose these paper in any case and do a brain storming session. It will definitely not happen in day but you need to give time at least half an hour of pure attention for some days until you find the answer. Write down list of things which you love and how you can make money of it? So that you can make your passion and work same thing. Every person in this world is born with some ta...

Life Plans

What Is a Life Plan? Life Plan is taking necessary actions to achieve your goals (materialistic or non materialistic). It is living document that you will tweak and adjust over time. Why Life Plan is necessary? Life plan is like GPS which will navigate you throughout your journey and will help in reaching your ultimate destination (goals). How to make Life Plan? Vision Board: It is a visual representation of the life events, goals, dreams that you would like to achieve.   Split your dreams or goals into the appropriate categories such as: Money, Career, Love, Fitness, Travel, Relationships, Spirituality & Others Start finding beautiful pictures that illustrate exactly what you want. Display your board where you can see it every day. Benefits of Vision Board: It will provide clarity It will help in maintaining balance It will help in prioritize It will motivate you each and everyday

How to be Best Version of Yourself

Start Journal: Write down things what you like in others, or person who is your source of inspiration and what do you want to see in yourself, your goals and start working on it each day slowly one by one at time. Don’t Complain: Life is good; Stop complaining; cherish the things which you have and thank GOD for giving you this beautiful place to live and your loved ones who are there for you in your good and bad times Compliment or Affirmations: Affirmations is best way to motivate yourself; complimenting or rewarding yourself for small thing will keep your spirits high. Read or Watch Inspirational Things: Watching or reading at least one inspirational stuff will help you each and every day to grow personally. Meditation and Exercise: Meditate at least 5 minutes in day to release your daily stress.  Exercise; choose any exercise of your choice to keep you healthy and happy; even a simple walk for at least half an hour will work. Eat Healthy: Th...

Why God made Mother’s so special?

I always had this question, Why God made mothers so special?  Why they have so pure and caring heart for their child?  They may not be the same person; they would be tough, Cruel, Selfish, Diplomatic, Careless ladies for others. Why these ladies be totally different person when it comes to their child? Why are mothers are made so selfless? What transforms or develops in them when they becomes mother? Does God transforms their heart; their mind; apart from physical body transformation?  What could be the reason? Let’s look back on the journey from Girl to Mother; Flashback Time!!! In Childhood:- She was the one, who was not kind; always fighting with others for her toys. In School:- She was the cruel head girl of class. In College: She was total badass girl. In office:- She was lazy girl knowing how to get the job done. For her husband: She was always like boss dominating. She was always “The Cruel” but Then she became Mother and e...